Sunday, July 11, 2010

按摩和保龄球 - Massages and Bowling

Friday morning, I missed the first hour of my morning class to go get my mainland visa so that I could go to Shenzhen Friday night. Shenzhen is the city right on the border between China and Hong Kong. One of my friends had heard about a massage parlor where it was ridiculous cheap. It ended up being less than $70 for 3 hours of massage, a place to stay for the night, unlimited fruit and ice cream, and access to a sauna and hot tub. It was my first massage ever and it was really good. Saturday morning I ended up coming back early because I didn't bring enough money with me.

Saturday me and another IBCE classmate were going to go bowling with some Koreans in our class. He ended up getting stuck in Shenzhen for too long so he was a little late. It ended up being me, three Koreans in my class, one of the Koreans friend and his three friends, and another student from the US. We went to a restaurant where we all got some noodle dishes. We went bowling after that. It took me awhile to get warmed up but it my last game I got a 158. After that, six of us went to a Beatles themed bar to watch the Paraguay vs. Germany game. It was really fun to hang out with some people who actually live in Hong Kong, and hopefully I'll hang out with them again soon.


  1. It sounds as if you are "drinking" it all in Clarke and I am very proud. You have an amazing opportunity and you obviously are using it all. You definitely need to get the old tripod so we can see some incredible photos from you.

    The James family misses you but happy that you are doing well.

  2. Clarke,

    You are doing so many interesting things. I am glad you are keeping up with your blog so I can read about them.

    How many nationalities of students do you have in your class?

    The James family misses you, but I am sure they are waiting breathlessly for their monkey.

  3. My class has a bunch of Japanese students, a couple Koreans, a girl from Switzerland, a German woman, an English, girl, an American girl, and me and my IBCE classmate

  4. That sounds interesting. Do you all converse in Chinese when you are not in class?
